Saturday, April 14, 2007

Aprons and how I love them

So Sonya got her buttons and posted pictures, yay--I totally forgot to take any, even though I remembered, like, 25 times. That was a fun package to put together.

I took the rest of the pictures of my items for my Etsy shop--gonna work on that tonight. My official deadline is the 21st of this month, but maybe sooner!

So, tra la, on to aprons. Like many people I have a thing for aprons. I even did my senior thesis for my BFA with aprons. I have a small collection of thrifted aprons and my mother-in-law gave me this booklet which I just rediscovered.
Inside are these lovelies:
I want to make the one in the lower right corner. The two pockets are actually one big pocket which the instructions say can be used for carrying your knitting. I don't knit and actually don't really want to, but the idea sounds so lovely.
Well, now I have to go clean house.....perhaps I will put on an apron.

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