Thursday, May 17, 2007

Be still my heart.

I picked up this shirt for my little one at the thrift store ($1), and I cannot get enough of it!! It looks to be in never washed condition and the greatest thing is, he has worn it for three days straight!
The flowers are silk screened on and have that plasticky feel, but the fabric is a nice weight to carry it off.
The shirt was made in Brazil and has this great tag--I don't know if it is Brazilian or made for the American market. (just checked--it's Brasilian!)

On a side note, I took the entrance exam for math and passed!! I don't have to take any extra classes to get into the statistics class--YAY!!!!!! (way too many exclamation points--sorry).

So now I will take one elective for grad school this summer, probably Ethics for Social Workers, (seems like that should be mandatory (?!))

Alas, now I have to clean house so that a number of people can come over and have dinner tomorrow night. I am making the Cook's Country version of simplified Pasta Primavera. I would give you the link, but apparently you have to buy the magazine.

1 comment:

Sonya said...

That shirt is amazing. Though I am probably biased because I love orange shirts.