Monday, August 11, 2008

Back to the Real World

So we are back from Seattle and came home to no internet or phone service (on Tuesday) which was not fixed until Friday!  It was a terrible and tragic time. 

 All better now though.  :-)

Today was the first day of school and I put my daughter on the bus and drove the boys to school--first day of Kindergarden for my youngest and no picture--sigh.  He was pretty stoked so I hope everything goes swimmingly for him.  I am wandering aimlessly around the house not wanting to do my chores or my exercise routine or clean up my studio or anything really.  I have not yet completed reentry from vacation I think.

So, here is my favorite vacation purchase (actually I have several but this one is for today).  A bento lunchbox in my favorite colors.  Ta daa!

I am doing an internship this year for school and need to take my lunch at least some of the days.  It is pretty small but there is room in the bag for more if I need it and really eating a little less would be good for me, right?  I have more fun stuff to show later after I get my studio cleaned up so send your best cleaning vibes my way--k?

edit:  the lunchbox is by Zojirushi and can be found here


Barbara said...

Happy that you're back online, even if it's hard to readjust. Good luck with school and reorganizing - I certainly need to, too!

takewrning said...

Oh, that is a great bag! Do you know where it can be found online or what the brand is?

Regina said...

Welcome back!! I am lovin' your bento lunch box. It's way cute!!!

Sonya said...

We'll just have to try some other state to meet up in, either yours or mine. Welcome back to the wired world. And that is one snappy lunch set up you have there. It's the sort that actually makes you want to pack a lunch.