Saturday, June 7, 2008

What do you think of this?

So I made this out of a felted sweater.  It was gorgeous yarn and probably very expensive sweater but I got it for 99 cents and threw it in the wash.  It shrank up really small and sturdy so I threw it in a  pile for a few months and then pulled it out and made this basket.   I folded the edge down and put some strapping band  inside to make it hold it's shape and sewed it all together with wool yarn.  Is it good or too lumpy?


jillytacy said...

I like it! It's amazing what you can do with a wool sweater that's been felted. When I think of the number of wool items I have accidentally shrunk then thrown out over the years I'm sad. If only I had known that I could have used them for crafting. Now I try to shrink wool items!

Sonya said...

I like it - I think you could even make the stitching stand out more, make it a design element. That's my secret.

Anonymous said...

Very cute and a great way to re-purpose something that may have ended up as landfill. Double function, I like it!

susan said...

how did i miss this post??
i think it is gorgeous. i love the colors and there is just something about fulled wool
what will you put in it? little bits of lovelies?

Regina said...

It's WAY cool!