So, I had to buy this of course and I brought it home all excited because when do you see rickshaw fabric? It must be old because who would do that nowadays and then I started to worry that it might be culturally insensitive and now I am thinking that I won't be able to use it for anything. Am I crazy? Or is it fine and I can make zippered pouches or whatever and no one will think twice about it? What do you --my half dozen (I think, but maybe it is just five) -- readers think?

Geez, I don't know - the fact that it's a silhouette and not some kind of awful caricature makes it seem OK with me. I think it's pretty adorable fabric.
I think its cute material,I could totally see it in pouches or bags, or what eve you want.... where in the world did you find it??
It's awesome fabric. It would make great zipper pouches and such. I can see why you'd be worried (cuz your such a good person and all) I but I think you would be safe in using this.
I've always wanted a rickshaw tie myself.
That would make a good tie--if only it were silk.
wellll you could just send it to me and then you wouldnt have a problem!! hehe, actually i believe they still use them, so its not culturally incorrect
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