Saturday, July 12, 2008

The wildlife is leaping about

You know it is the monsoon season when the ground is thick with creatures.

And now for something completely different.

Here is the before shot--an ultrasuede jacket from the 50 cent rack.
Ta daa!  My new purse for traveling.  I really like it but I wish I did not always have to carry so much stuff (I am secretly a boy scout and must be prepared for everything).  
Those front slits are actually the pockets from the jacket--I am thinking of putting buttons on them so stuff won't fall out.  What do you think?
The inside has lots of pockets and one is perfectly sized for a Moleskine.
Now I have to clean my house but I am thinking that wardrobe inspiration might be too strong to resist.  


Anonymous said...

Oh, your froggie Princey is a cutie!!!!

Okay. I am siting her with my mouth agap!!! That jacket = that fab bag????? You are amazing!! So inspiring My P!!!

Sonya said...

I'll have to join Vanessa with the mouth open stance. What an incredible transformation! I love the ribbon detail and the fact that you re-used the pockets. Brilliant!

Barbara said...

That's just great. When I saw the ultrasuede jacket I couldn't imagine what you saw in it! You've got a good eye.

Regina said...

Great bag! It will be perfect for your trip!!

susan said...

that is one super neat bag
i kind of like the lines of it as is
do you really need buttons??