Saturday, September 8, 2007

Oh baby me

So now I have my new laptop and printer (with built in scanner) and I am trying it out. On my trip to Seattle, I saw my mom who has been going through all the old pictures. She found this one of me --three days old --in an outfit that she had made for me. So not only do you see that I come by my creativity honestly, but I am one cute and well dressed baby!

I think I will post this because Blogger is acting funny.

PS. Chuck E. Cheese is possibly the most horrible place to be on a Saturday at noon--we had a birthday party to go to--and my poor boy had never been and had no idea what to expect. He came away pretty pleased with his bat ring prize and high praise for the pizza (!!!). (He gets excellent, homemade pizza every week at home......sigh.)

Monday, September 3, 2007

Alas, such a quiet neglected page

I like to do the FoodBlog Blog Hop sometimes, and I often happen upon blogs whose last entry was sometime in 2006 and usually is an apology for not blogging and a promise to be better about it. So I won't promise anything but I am writing again.

I am trying a new product in my etsy shop -- hand dyed lace. I did some on a whim and liked how it turned out. I had bought a large tangled roll of rayon lace in a grab bag of notions at the thrift store--probably 50 or 75 yards. I, of course, have no use for this much lace but I did want whatever else was in the bag. So then I dyed some and think it would be great in a number of sewing and non-sewing projects.

I have many lovely thrifted items to show you for next time--aaack, I just made mention of a next post!!